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School News

An archive of our school news posts.

R.E. – God Calls Us by Our Name

In Week 2 of our Domestic Church topic, we learned that God knows everyone’s names. God knows us, loves us, and calls us by our name. We rolloed a ball around a circle and whoever it stopped at had to say, “My name is …….., I am precious”. We then wrote our names in hearts […]

This isn’t just play, it’s…

…number recognition, co-operation, creating instructions, fine and gross-motor skills, sorting, problem solving, and more. Play in the EYFS is a crucial way of developing a vast array of skills and we’re already finding lots of ways to consolidate the skills we’re teaching the children. These activities can be adult or child-initiated and constitute a large […]

Art – Mark Making with Crayons

In our very first art lesson, we explored mark making with crayons. We were allowed to make any kind of lines we wanted – wavy, zig-zag, long, short – whatever we could think of. Afterwards, we used our crayons sideways to make rubbings of different objects and surfaces in the classroom. We talked about how […]


Last week we began phonics where we learned the sounds ‘m’ and ‘a’. After the sound is introduced on the carpet, we work in small groups to practice the sound’s formation. There are also lots of other activities in the provision to help us practice formation and consolidate our learning.

R.E. – What does it mean to be part of a family?

Last week, we started our Domestic Church R.E. topic. We’re asking what it means to be part of a family, and we began by asking why names are important. We talked about how we have a first name and a family, and how names make us special. We then made and decorated place mats with […]

Me and My Family

In our R.E. Lesson we talked about our families and why they special. We talked about the people we love and what they do for us that

Year 1 Holiday News

We loved sharing our favourite day from the summer holidays. We talked about where we had been and who we had seen. We then wrote this down on our postcards.

Robinwood Kit List

My First Day in Year 1

We have had the most fantastic first week in Year 1. We explored our new environment and our new resources. It was so lovely seeing our friends again and catching up. We look forward to the most wonderful year!

The Railway Children

In English, we are reading ‘The Railway Children’ and this last couple of days we have started exploring the front cover. We reminded ourselves about nouns, adjectives and expanded noun phrases and today we worked extremely hard to write descriptive sentences using effective expanded noun phrases. Our children were brilliant at thinking of adjectives, which […]

Representing and partitioning numbers to 100

This week in Maths, we have been looking at place value. We have looked carefully at 2 digit numbers and how they can be represented. We have been using manipulative to make a number, then we moved the tens and ones around to create the same number in a different way.

Year 6 Head Boy and Head Girl.

This week we have appointed our Head Boy and Head Girl of 2024/25. Children in Year 6 presented themselves extremely well as they delivered fantastic speeches to the rest of our school. After the speeches, and as part of our teaching of democracy, each class took part in a vote and chose who they would […]

KS1 Celebration Assembly – 6.9.24

Year 2 – New Beginnings

Our new RE topic is all about ‘Beginnings’. To begin this topic we talked about starting school and how we felt on that first day. Then we though about other ‘beginnings’ we have made. We used points from our discussion to write about and draw some of our new beginnings.

Year 2 – Animal Survival

This week, as part of our new science topic, we looked at what animals, including humans need for survival. We each chose an animal and wrote about what they needed based on what we had learned.

Year 2 – Place Value

We made a great start to our new place value topic in Year 2. We used rekenreks to investigate making numbers to 20 and number bonds to 20. Then we used base ten, straws, place value counters and tens frames to partition numbers up to 100. Great work Year 2!

Year 5: Materials in Science

This week year 5 have been looking at what materials worked well as a conductor, we tried a variety of materials and also looked at their properties.

Year 6: Stars of the Week

Year 5: Stars of the week.

Year 6 & Reception: Buddy Break time

We have had such a wonderful week getting to know our new buddies and helping them to settle into school life.

Year 6: Sharing isn’t always caring

In our PSHE lesson this week we looked at how we share information in the digital world. We know that the digital world is a wonderful resource to have but that when we use the internet, we must be safe. In our lesson today, we reminded ourselves of the age limits when using certain online […]

Year 6: Numbers to 10,000,000

This week in maths we have begun our first unit of this academic year, Place value. In our lessons this week, we have used place value charts with counting sticks to represent the different numbers and identify their individual place value.

Year 6: Where do you see love and care being shown?

This week we began our first RE topic of the new academic year: Loving. In our first lesson, we worked hard to find the answer to our first line of enquiry: Where do you see love and care being shown? We thought about what love meant to us, where we see love and how we […]

Celebration of the Word: New Beginnings

This afternoon, we gathered together as a whole school, for the first time this year, to celebrate the word. In our celebration of the word, we thought about what it means to have a new start, the emotions we feel and the new opportunities that a new start can bring. We listened to a reading […]

Leavers Mass

This morning, we gathered together as one St. Peter’s family to celebrate Year 6 as part of our leavers mass. Thank you to everyone for joining us, I am sure you will all agree, Year 6 led a beautifully thought provoking mass and helped us to think back on all of their achievements. Well done […]

Year 6 End of Year Trip

Year 6 enjoyed their end of year trip to Gutterball Alley. What a fantastic venue! With roller skating, bowling, karaoke, darts, pool and an arcade too. There really was so much fun to be had! Year 6 returned to school exhausted after having a great day but, we also returned with a new title…’The best […]

Year 4 Prehistoric Science

In our lessons we have been learning about the history of science. We made simple leavers and tested how lifting a load was affected by where the pivot was. We recorded our results and shared our conclusions.

Year 4 Summery Symmetry

This week in Maths we have been looking at lines of symmetry. We have used mirrors to find symmetry in our environment and identified multiple lines of symmetry on a range of shapes.

Year One – The Power of Prayer

Today in our Celebration of the Word, we thought about the power of prayer. We listened to a reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel that told us how Jesus teaches us to care for and help others. We each wrote a prayer for someone in need then joined our prayers, remembering how powerful our prayers are […]

Celebrating our Year of Prayer

2024 has been a year of prayer, an idea that came from the Pope. We’ve prayed the rosary, prayed through music and art, before finally coming together today to think about those who are the most in need. Our prayers are most powerful when we pray together in unison. We wrote about the needy on […]

Year 6 stay and pray

Today during our stay and pray, we thought about those in greater need than us. We wrote down our prayer and then joined all of our prayers together to create a whole class paper chain prayer.

Year 5 and 6 safety works

Years 5 and 6 both visited safety works this week. They experienced different scenarios in which they may need to keep safe including water safety, fire safety, pedestrian safety, metro safety and dog safety. Children were immersed into real life situations in which they had to think about what they would do if they were […]

Celebration Assembly

Well done to all our stars this week. Mr Jobes was so impressed that he had to choose two star writers! Also a very big happy birthday to all children celebrating their birthdays this week, we hope they have had a lovely time.

Year One – Neighbours here, neighbours there, neighbours everywhere!

This week in our RE lessons, we used scripture to think about our global neighbours. We listened to a psalm written by King David that told us how God made one sun, one sky and one earth. We went outside and listened and looked at the sky and space around us. We decorated a picture […]

Sergeant McTernan visits our school

This morning, Sergeant Dan McTernan came to talk to us about his role in the police force and how the police help to keep us safe. He talked about different types of crime that we may experience, and how he and his team respond to keep us as safe as possible. We learnt some fascinating […]

St. Peter’s Church Newsletter

St Peter’s Sponsored Walk

This morning our whole school joined together to take part in a sponsored walk around Saltwell Park. The walk was to raise funds for the FOSP (Friends of St Peter’s). The weather was beautiful and we all thoroughly enjoyed the walk. A huge thank you to all of the parent and grandparent volunteers who joined […]

Year One – Who are our neighbours?

This week we started our new RE topic about ‘Neighbours’. We learned about a girl who lives in Rwanda called Marie-Doriane. We looked at the similarities and differences between our lives and Marie’s life. We recognised that even though Marie-Doriane lives far away, we are all neighbours.

R.E. – Universal Church

In our first lesson of Universal Church, we asked ourselves what makes the world so wonderful? We shared our responses in our R.E. floor book. We thought animals, rivers, and trees were wonderful. One of us even thought Mr Jobes and Mrs Dodds make the world wonderful!

Cafod Club – Cafod Manifesto

Over the past few weeks in Cafod Club, we have been thinking about the election. We started to think about the different countries that Cafod supports. We used Cafod’s ideas for equal rights to create our own Cafod manifesto posters to display around school.


In maths, we looked at grouping. We talked about how we can count to ensure we’ve grouped equally. We were shown a group of animals and told how many needed to go in each field – how many fields would we need? Then we were shown some buttons – how many gingerbread will we need […]

Gross Motor Activities

Even at this stage of the year we still ensure there are lots of gross motor activities including obstacle courses and tyre rolling. This helps to improve physical strength, co-ordination, and team work.

Year 1 – A Pirate’s Day Out

Year One had a brilliant day visiting Hartlepool Maritime Museum this week. We climbed aboard the Trincomalee and saw what it was like to live aboard the ship. We visited the ‘Fighting Ships’ tour and learned what it would be like to be in battle at Sea. We also learned how ropes were made and […]

Year 2 – Newspaper reports

We have been exploring the features of newspaper reports this week in Year 2. We were able to create exciting headlines using alliteration and personification, using a picture as a stimulus. We then explored the 5Ws and discussed how the introduction of a newspaper report would use who, what, where, when and why to introduce […]

Year 2 – Synagogue visit

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the United Reform Synagogue in Gosforth, this week. We learned lots of new facts about the Jewish faith, traditions and names of artefacts. We were particularly interested to look at the books which were written right to left and the pages turned the opposite way to what we are […]

Year 2 – General Election

Today, in Year 2 we have been learning about the General Election which is taking place today. We discussed the reasons for having a General Election, how and where people vote and the different parties involved. The children discussed what they thought was important for out country. They used their ideas to write their own […]

3D Shapes

How well do we know the properties of 3D shapes? Well, we put this to the test by describing a hidden 3D shape to our friends, who had to guess what we’d pulled out of the bag. We had to guess based on how many faces the shape had, whether the surfaces were flat or […]

Continuous Provision – Africa

This week’s story, ‘The Greedy Zebra’, is set in Africa so our continuous provision activities are linked to this theme. We’ve been creating traditional necklaces, learning about animals, and creating our own safari scenes.

Year 5: Alexander the Great

In our history lesson this week, we began our new topic of learning, which is all about Alexander the Great. In our first lesson, we worked hard to discover which Greek kingdom was conquered by the Persian empire.

Year 5: Printing Sikh Symbols

In our art lessons this week, we are continuing with our work on patterns from the Sikh faith. In our lesson today, we took time to practice printing a repeated pattern of the Sikh Khanda. We had to think carefully about our application of the printing ink and used a roller to help us do […]

Year 5: Conducting Eyewitness Interviews

This week in our English lessons we are working hard to develop our reporting skills, as we prepare to write a newspaper article. In our lesson today, we were transported to the newsroom at The New York Times, where we conducted formal interviews with eyewitnesses who had seen the miraculous stunts completed by Philippe Petit. […]

Year 5: A visit to the Sikh Temple

This morning Year 5 spent their morning visiting a local Sikh Gurdwara. During our visit, we we told all about the faith. We were taken outside to see the flag, which acts as a beacon, reminding everyone that the Gurdwara is a place of worship. Next, we were shown some of the schooling rooms where […]

Celebration of the Word: Catholic Social Teaching

This morning, we gathered together to listen to the word. We heard scripture from the book of Luke that said that man had been made in God’s image, which shows that God has a plan for creation. We thought about how we have a responsibility as global citizens to try and do good in our […]

Year 6 Youth Festival

On Friday, Year 6 took part in the Summer Youth Festival. The theme was ‘Right here, right now’. The children took part in many prayerful dances, listened to inspirational music and took part in a range of group activities thinking about how we are all unique individuals who have been called to do God’s work, […]

Reconciliation – Collective Worship

We ended our Reconciliation topic with a collective worship celebrating everything we’ve learned about friendship. We talked about forgiveness, new starts, understanding, and Jesus’ rule for friendship – love one another. Then, in our circle, we had to show an act of friendship and love to the person sitting next to us. We had cuddles, […]

Year One – Interfaith Week

This week we have enjoyed celebrating Interfaith week in school. We began the week by learning about the different faiths and different places of worship. Then we looked more closely at our faith as we learned about the different things we see inside a Catholic church. At the end of the week, we were lucky […]

Year 3: What is the story of Buddha?

This week in school is interfaith week, and Year 3 have been learning all about the Buddhist faith. We wanted to know how the Buddhist faith began, so we listened to the story and retold it in our own words.

Year One – Being Sorry

To end our current RE topic, we joined in prayer to reflect upon everything that we have learned. We thought about how it can be difficult to say sorry and to forgive and about times that we have made good or bad choices. We listened to Jesus’ new rule again and used this rule to […]

Living like St. Peter

To celebrate St Peter and Paul day, we have dedicated time today to review our mission statement and think about how, as living disciples, we can go forth and keep the mission of our school alive. The day started wonderfully as Year 4 led us in prayer, as they led a very thought provoking celebration […]

Maths – Shape Arrangements

We’re continuing to look at shape, with a focus on shape arrangements. Mr Jobes was terribly clumsy and dropped a basket of shapes on the carpet. We had to describe a shape’s position, in relation to others, using positional language.

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