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Prayer and Liturgy

R.E. – God Calls Us by Our Name

In Week 2 of our Domestic Church topic, we learned that God knows everyone’s names. God knows us, loves us, and calls us by our name. We rolloed a ball around a circle and whoever it stopped at had to say, “My name is …….., I am precious”. We then wrote our names in hearts […]

R.E. – What does it mean to be part of a family?

Last week, we started our Domestic Church R.E. topic. We’re asking what it means to be part of a family, and we began by asking why names are important. We talked about how we have a first name and a family, and how names make us special. We then made and decorated place mats with […]

Year 2 – New Beginnings

Our new RE topic is all about ‘Beginnings’. To begin this topic we talked about starting school and how we felt on that first day. Then we though about other ‘beginnings’ we have made. We used points from our discussion to write about and draw some of our new beginnings.

Year 6: Sharing isn’t always caring

In our PSHE lesson this week we looked at how we share information in the digital world. We know that the digital world is a wonderful resource to have but that when we use the internet, we must be safe. In our lesson today, we reminded ourselves of the age limits when using certain online […]

Year 6: Where do you see love and care being shown?

This week we began our first RE topic of the new academic year: Loving. In our first lesson, we worked hard to find the answer to our first line of enquiry: Where do you see love and care being shown? We thought about what love meant to us, where we see love and how we […]

Celebration of the Word: New Beginnings

This afternoon, we gathered together as a whole school, for the first time this year, to celebrate the word. In our celebration of the word, we thought about what it means to have a new start, the emotions we feel and the new opportunities that a new start can bring. We listened to a reading […]

Leavers Mass

This morning, we gathered together as one St. Peter’s family to celebrate Year 6 as part of our leavers mass. Thank you to everyone for joining us, I am sure you will all agree, Year 6 led a beautifully thought provoking mass and helped us to think back on all of their achievements. Well done […]

Year One – The Power of Prayer

Today in our Celebration of the Word, we thought about the power of prayer. We listened to a reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel that told us how Jesus teaches us to care for and help others. We each wrote a prayer for someone in need then joined our prayers, remembering how powerful our prayers are […]

Celebrating our Year of Prayer

2024 has been a year of prayer, an idea that came from the Pope. We’ve prayed the rosary, prayed through music and art, before finally coming together today to think about those who are the most in need. Our prayers are most powerful when we pray together in unison. We wrote about the needy on […]

Year 6 stay and pray

Today during our stay and pray, we thought about those in greater need than us. We wrote down our prayer and then joined all of our prayers together to create a whole class paper chain prayer.

Year One – Neighbours here, neighbours there, neighbours everywhere!

This week in our RE lessons, we used scripture to think about our global neighbours. We listened to a psalm written by King David that told us how God made one sun, one sky and one earth. We went outside and listened and looked at the sky and space around us. We decorated a picture […]

Year One – Who are our neighbours?

This week we started our new RE topic about ‘Neighbours’. We learned about a girl who lives in Rwanda called Marie-Doriane. We looked at the similarities and differences between our lives and Marie’s life. We recognised that even though Marie-Doriane lives far away, we are all neighbours.

R.E. – Universal Church

In our first lesson of Universal Church, we asked ourselves what makes the world so wonderful? We shared our responses in our R.E. floor book. We thought animals, rivers, and trees were wonderful. One of us even thought Mr Jobes and Mrs Dodds make the world wonderful!

Cafod Club – Cafod Manifesto

Over the past few weeks in Cafod Club, we have been thinking about the election. We started to think about the different countries that Cafod supports. We used Cafod’s ideas for equal rights to create our own Cafod manifesto posters to display around school.

Year 5: Printing Sikh Symbols

In our art lessons this week, we are continuing with our work on patterns from the Sikh faith. In our lesson today, we took time to practice printing a repeated pattern of the Sikh Khanda. We had to think carefully about our application of the printing ink and used a roller to help us do […]

Year 5: A visit to the Sikh Temple

This morning Year 5 spent their morning visiting a local Sikh Gurdwara. During our visit, we we told all about the faith. We were taken outside to see the flag, which acts as a beacon, reminding everyone that the Gurdwara is a place of worship. Next, we were shown some of the schooling rooms where […]

Celebration of the Word: Catholic Social Teaching

This morning, we gathered together to listen to the word. We heard scripture from the book of Luke that said that man had been made in God’s image, which shows that God has a plan for creation. We thought about how we have a responsibility as global citizens to try and do good in our […]

Year 6 Youth Festival

On Friday, Year 6 took part in the Summer Youth Festival. The theme was ‘Right here, right now’. The children took part in many prayerful dances, listened to inspirational music and took part in a range of group activities thinking about how we are all unique individuals who have been called to do God’s work, […]

Reconciliation – Collective Worship

We ended our Reconciliation topic with a collective worship celebrating everything we’ve learned about friendship. We talked about forgiveness, new starts, understanding, and Jesus’ rule for friendship – love one another. Then, in our circle, we had to show an act of friendship and love to the person sitting next to us. We had cuddles, […]

Year One – Interfaith Week

This week we have enjoyed celebrating Interfaith week in school. We began the week by learning about the different faiths and different places of worship. Then we looked more closely at our faith as we learned about the different things we see inside a Catholic church. At the end of the week, we were lucky […]

Year 3: What is the story of Buddha?

This week in school is interfaith week, and Year 3 have been learning all about the Buddhist faith. We wanted to know how the Buddhist faith began, so we listened to the story and retold it in our own words.

Year One – Being Sorry

To end our current RE topic, we joined in prayer to reflect upon everything that we have learned. We thought about how it can be difficult to say sorry and to forgive and about times that we have made good or bad choices. We listened to Jesus’ new rule again and used this rule to […]

Living like St. Peter

To celebrate St Peter and Paul day, we have dedicated time today to review our mission statement and think about how, as living disciples, we can go forth and keep the mission of our school alive. The day started wonderfully as Year 4 led us in prayer, as they led a very thought provoking celebration […]

Year 5: Rise – How can we be mindful?

In our session with RISE this morning, we thought about how we can be mindful. We spent time being mindful, thinking about each part of our bodies and using our senses, we thought about the things around us. Next, we took part in an activity in our booklets called body mapping. Body mapping is where […]

Mini Vinnies

Our new mission is underway and we have a newly elected leadership team. Our new mission is to spread moments of kindness, and signpost people towards services that can help them in their hour of need. We plan to go to Low Fell and chat to local residents. We’ll give a flower and a chocolate […]

Celebration of the Word: The Feast of St Peter and Paul

This morning, Year 4 led us in our celebration of the word to celebrate our special feast day of St Peter and St Paul. They reminded us of the important story from the bible, when Jesus asked Peter to lead his church. They read, acted, danced and sang beautifully. Today, as we continue to celebrate […]

Stewards of Creation: What can we make with trees?

Today in Stewards of Creation, we thought about some of the objects we find in our classroom and how they are made. We looked at some paper and things made of wood and discovered that paper is also made from wood. We thought about what else we can find in our world that is made […]

Choir Outreach Performance

On Sunday, St Peter’s Choir joined with Corpus Christi and The Holy Island Ladies choir to raise funds for Outreach Group in aid of the Emergency Fund. The children sang and performed beautifully. A huge thank you to Mrs Porter for arranging this opportunity where we can put our faith into action.

Year 5: Drawing Sikh Symbols

In our Art lessons this half-term, we are focusing on patterns and drawings inspired by our interfaith unit on Sikhism. In our art lesson this week, we have focused on drawing the Sikh symbol of the Khanda. Before we began our drawings, we spent time learning about each section of the symbol and what it […]

Celebration of the Word: Pastoral

In our pastoral this morning we gathered to celebrate the word and spend time in prayer. As we have journeyed through the years of prayer, we have explored lots of different types of prayer. In our prayer session today, we prayed through colouring mandalas, reflecting upon the scripture we had heard and taking time to […]

Year 3: Praying Mandalas

For our pastoral this morning, Year 3 were looking at a different way to pray as part of our Year of Prayer celebrations. We listened to scripture and then reflected on it by colouring in a mandala and taking the time to communicate with God.

Celebration of the Word: Mandalas

Today we prayed using mandalas to reflect upon our week. Thinking about what we are thankful for and what we could ask for forgiveness for.

Jesus Rule for Friends

Jesus taught us an important rule for friendship – love one another. We’ve talked a lot about what makes friendships special, but what can break the friendship circle? Yesterday, we role played situations where bad choices meant the friendship circle was temporarily broken. We then showed how good choices can mend the circle.

Mindfulness Ambassadors: Releasing tension from our bodies

In our mindfulness session today, we took some time to think about how we could release tension from our bodies. We took time to listened to quiet music and focussed on our breathing before taking a moment to move each part of our bodies gently.

Year One – Jesus’ New Rule

Today in our RE lesson, we looked at John’s gospel and the scripture that tells us about Jesus’ most important rule. Jesus said that the most important rule of all is to ‘Love one another.’ We thought about how we can show love to others at home and in school.

Year 5 – RISE: Our brilliant brains

In our session with RISE this afternoon, we thought about the different parts of the brain and how they can make us react. We look at something called ‘flipping your lid’ which is when sometimes our emotions become too much for us and so the calm part of our brain that controls our calm actions […]

Mindfulness Ambassadors: Our happy place

This week in our mindfulness session, we spent time thinking and reflecting on our happy place. More specifically, we thought about how we could reach our happy place when we may be in our red zone of regulation. We looked at some different breathing techniques as well as some calming movements that we could do, […]

Celebration of the Word

We celebrated the word by continuing to look at the theme of friendship. Today, we talked specifically about showing understanding. We made a friendship circle and reminded ourselves of the religious significance of a circle. Our mission is to show understanding towards friends.

Year 4’s final day at Emmaus Village

Year 4 had the most fantastic time on their first residential trip. Our final day consisted of packing all of our things away and cleaning our dorms. We then joined together for our final workshop where the children were introduced to the idea of a ‘Pep Talk’. They worked in group to create their motivational […]

Celebration of the Word

Today we learnt about the Parable of The Mustard Seed. Jesus tells us that we are like the mustard seed and we should grow and spread God’s word to everyone.

Father’s Day Celebration of the Word

Thank-you so much to everyone to joined us for our Father’s Day Celebration of the Word – we were thrilled to see so many family members. We talked a lot about the sacrifice fathers make for us, and the importance of father figures in our lives. As we head into the weekend, we give thanks […]

Reception lead us in our Father’s Day Celebration of the Word

This morning, Reception class did a fantastic job of leading us in our whole school Celebration of the word. The shared the important message that we should look after our fathers just like God the father looks after us and looked after Jesus too.

RISE: Emotional Regulation

This morning we gathered as a whole school for an assembly with RISE on emotional regulation. During the assembly, we thought about what emotions are before looking at the different zones of regulation and the emotions we may feel in these zones. Next, we looked and took part in some strategies that we can use […]

Year 4 Emmaus Village Day 2

Today has been jam packed with activities. We took part in a carousel including tower building, faith in action and craft challenges. Following this, we went on a lovely woodland walk and scavenger hunt. The children have loved their evening sessions of reflection. It is a wonderful way to wind down from a busy day. […]

Year 4 Emmaus Village

Year 4 have arrived at Emmaus village and have settled in well. The children have explored their new home for the next few days and have met their group leader, taken part in team building exercises and ended the evening with a quiet reflection. Now for a full night sleep and a busy day tomorrow.

Farewell Mrs Stokoe!

We have all had a great day celebrating Mrs Stokoe, reflecting on the happy memories and all of the hard work that she has contributed to our school. We had a lovely service at Mass this morning, followed by a competitive games afternoon. The winning team were Blue Team, who won the ‘Mrs Stokoe Cup’, […]

Year One – A letter from Levi

This week in our RE lessons we have been looking at how Jesus helped people to change their ways. We learned about Levi who was a tax collector and made bad choices. When he met Jesus, he changed his ways and followed Him. We thought about how Levi might have felt when Jesus forgave him […]

R.E. – Reconciliation

The introduction of our new R.E. topic focused on friends. Who are our friends, why do we enjoy their friendship, and what are they like as people? We learned about lots of people, from reception class and beyond, and why they make such wonderful friends. We then drew lollipop sticks with reception class names on […]

Year 5: How were the 10 Commandments a gift from God?

In our Re lesson today, we looked at a story from the Old Testament, when Moses asked god to help him establish a set of rules to lead the Israelites. We thought about how these rules would have been important for the Israelites on their new journey together and how Moses needed to pray to […]

Celebration of the Word: World Environment Day

This morning, Year 3 led us in our celebration of the word where they shared a piece of scripture from the Old Testament; when God created the world. They reminded us that God created the world which we live in and it’s our responsibility to look after it. They gave us some wonderful ways that […]

Year 4 Trinity Triangles

In Year 4, we have been learning about Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit. To remind ourselves of the importance of the Trinity, we made our own Trinity Triangles. These are something we will keep and use during our Celebration of the Word.

Celebration of the Word- Feast of Corpus Christi

This morning, we gathered together to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. We looked at the story of the Last Supper, thinking about how Jesus shared the bread and wine with his disciples. Jesus gave his friends spiritual food to nourish them before he had to leave them. We were reminded that God lives through […]

Year 3: Choices

This week, we started our new RE topic which is all about choices. We thought about the choices we make in our everyday lives and what the consequences of those choices were. We discussed how everyone makes good and bad choices and it is important to listen to our conscience when we are making a […]

Year 5: The Holy Trinity in PSHE

In our PSHE lesson, we looked at the holy trinity and thought about how each part of the trinity works together. We spent time thinking about the Holy Spirit and how it gives us gifts that we can use to live our lives like Jesus.


In this week’s R.E., we learned about Judaism. We listened to the story of Hannukah, and realised that the way Jews celebrate is very similar to how we do. We looked at kippahs, menorahs, and played with a dreidel.

Year 3: What makes a perfect church?

In PSHE, we have been learning about the fact that a church is not a building but anywhere where people gather to worship God. We imagined what our perfect church would look like, thinking about how we could be inclusive so everyone felt welcome. Take a look at us in action below.

Friday Pastoral: Celebration of the Word

This Friday we gathered in our pastoral houses to celebrate the word and take part in a different type of prayer. As we spend this year journeying through the year of prayer, we feel fortunate to be able to experience many different types of prayer, which help us to become closer to God. This week, […]

Year 3: Holy Trinity

In PSHE, we have looked at how God has one body but many parts. We used the idea of a triangle to represent how God is a father, with Jesus the son and the Holy Spirit. We linked them all together by highlighting that they are all connected by their love for us.

Prayer journalling

Today, during our celebration of the Word, we did some reflective journalling to think about what we are thankful for, sorry for and what we could ask from God.

What have we learned about Pentecost?

In the final week of an R.E. topic, we look back and ask ourselves what we’ve learned. As we finished Pentecost, Mr Jobes sat us down and captured what each of us have remembered.

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